Apr 24, 2017
I first heard about the game Spent from podcast guest, Helaine Olen. She described it as one of the best simulations in how it immersed the player into what it feels like to live "paycheck to paycheck." After playing the game in our offices, we agreed with her, wrapped an activity around it with discussion questions...
Apr 21, 2017
Vince Roeshink has worn many different and interesting hats in his career, His current role as director of the Academy of Finance at University High School in Orange City, Florida seems the perfect culmination of a career path which has included stints as a stock broker and founder of a martial arts school (oh, and he...
Apr 20, 2017
I enjoyed my recent conversation with Professor Meir Statman who teaches at Santa Clara University, just down the street from the NGPF offices. Meir conducted some of the earliest research in what we now know as behavioral finance. He discusses his book, Finance for Normal People, and shares his insights about how...
Apr 5, 2017
It was great having Carmen Tall on the NGPF podcast recently to discuss her work at a non-profit, Mercy Connections, located in Burlington, Vermont. Carmen is the director of the Women's Small Business program. It was through that work that Carmen identified the need for a Financial Empowerment class to improve the...
Apr 4, 2017
Thanks to Greg Hock for taking time out during this busy tax season to join me on the NGPF podcast. I have been a client of Greg's for a few years now and appreciate the value-added services that he provides that go well beyond just filing a tax return. I enjoy exchanging ideas and getting his perspective about...