Jan 20, 2016
Thanks to Barbara O'Neill of the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Program for joining me recently on the NGPF podcast show. Barbara has had an amazing career serving as educator, researcher, writer, trainer and I am sure that I am leaving stuff out! Most recently, she used her networking prowess to place NJ atop the standings in the NGPF Q&A Forum Challenge and has appeared as a Featured Teacher in the NGPF Blog and also received an award from NGPF. Here is Barbara's life work, in her own words: In my 37 years with Rutgers Cooperative Extension, I have taught almost 30,000 adults. I’ve taught my undergraduate Personal Finance course for juniors and seniors at Rutgers University for 10 years and reached almost 200 students and helped make them “Money Smart.” I have also indirectly impacted thousands of New Jersey K-12 students by providing training for hundreds of teachers annually at our Financial Education Boot Camps that combine content and learning activities. Listen to this podcast to hear Barbara’s insights on: 1) The differences between teaching adults and college students 2) What personal finance teachers need to be more confident instructors 3) Harnessing Twitter to expand your knowledge base and generate lesson ideas 4) The wonders of compound interest (her favorite personal finance subject!) 5) Her plan for improving financial education in this country Enjoy!