Oct 16, 2017
After evaluating 11,000 high school course catalogs, NGPF researchers found that 1 in 6 high school students attend a high school with a personal finance requirement; the numbers are 1 in 12 in low-income communities.
Without the work of Grace Deng and her team, we would not know about this huge gap between the need for financial education and what is actually happening in high schools across America. She and a team of researchers spent the summer combing through thousands of high school websites in search of....financial education courses. Their report "Who has access to financial education in America today?" has provided the community with the most comprehensive analysis of how financial education has found (or not found) its way into the high school curricula. From being embedded in economics, business, family and consumer science and math courses to being a standalone elective course to being a standalone required course, her team identified and categorized each course they found. She shares the meticulous process required to create such a groundbreaking report, some interesting findings and questions for future researchers to tackle.