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NGPF Podcast

Aug 26, 2017

Today on the podcast is behavioral economist Dr. Sarah Newcomb, the author of Loaded: Money, Psychology and How To Get Ahead Without Leaving Your Values Behind. It's a thought-provoking book that focuses less on the mechanics of managing money and more on the psychology. Specifically, Sarah challenges us to look inward...

Aug 23, 2017

From his first job delivering newspapers to assorted "side hustles" he had in high school and college, Lothar Konietzo learned early on the value of saving money. I became aware of Lothar's work as he was recently recognized by VISA as an Innovative Educator. You will enjoy hearing about the creative activities he has...

Aug 11, 2017

She blogs as the Crafty Teacher Lady, and after listening to this engaging podcast, you will understand how fitting her web address is. From creating engaging activities for her students to flipping houses for a profit to taking her students on amazing trips to California, Kelly-Anne Rush does it all. She uses her...