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NGPF Podcast

Sep 28, 2018

Many credit unions across the country work hard to improve the financial capability of the communities they work in. Today you will hear about a credit union employee making a difference in Wisconsin.  As the Community Relations Coordinator at Unison Credit Union, Cindi Witt has been instrumental in equipping community...

Sep 21, 2018

Jonathan Clements is no stranger to the NGPF podcast (here and here), and he’s back to introduce and his newest book, From Here to Financial Happiness: Enrich Your Life in Just 77 Days. This book elicits active participation from the reader from day one of their financial journey until the last. Readers will answer...

Sep 14, 2018

Brandon Brumage came into personal finance the way most people do: he made a few mistakes before having that “aha” moment and wondering, “Why didn’t I learn this stuff sooner?” That question inspired his inner journalist to write a book about the financial trials and triumphs he learned growing up. With his...

Sep 7, 2018

If you read the NGPF Blog then you have benefited from the handiwork of Tadas Viskanta and his blog Abnormal Returns. Having logged over 10,000 hours curating the best the web has to offer in finance news and research, Tadas offers up sound advice on how WE should be reading the financial press (hint: ignore the pundits...